About Me
Hi, I'm Belinda
Like you, I’ve overcome a lot of challenges over the years. Looking back, I often wonder where I found the strength and resilience. And yet, somehow I did. As I learned to become competent at survival, I yearned for more. I didn’t just want to just survive. I wanted to thrive.
I wanted to Be the Hero of My Own Life Story.
I wanted to experience the beautifulI life I’ve always dreamed about.
I Know How You Feel...
I felt frustrated by obstacles and challenges overshadowing everything in my life.
I watched others experiencing beautiful lives and I wondered what was wrong with me.
My fears and negative self-chatter were LOUD!
I doubted myself and what was possible.
Some of the practices I found were helpful, but nothing ever changed.
I was tired of wasting valuable resources.

Aut inveniam viam aut faciam.
I shall either find a way or make one.
My Epiphany - The Need for Effective Tools
One day I had an epiphany. There wasn’t something wrong with me. I was using tools that didn’t work. It was like I was trying to use a hammer to screw a screw into the wall.
So many of the tools we typically use are based in survival. I wanted tools that allowed for expansion into what was possible. I was determined to find a way.
I discovered that we already have powerful tools that we may not know how to use effectively…intuition, feelings, energy, and imagination.
Using these tools in creative ways along with consistent practices allowed me to eliminate my doubts about myself and what I thought was possible so I could experience the beautiful life I’ve always dreamed about, and...

A Unique Perspective…
I bring a unique perspective to solution-finding from my many years of professional and personal experience...
Lawyer and advocate
Energy healing and coaching
Leadership in charitable organizations
Single mother traversing life’s obstacles
Passion for discovering the un-obvious options
Lifelong student of the mind, body, and spirit connection
Embrace the Possibilities
The Pivot - A More Expansive Direction
We often follow the path of least resistance until something happens that causes us to pivot.
I’m sure you’ve experienced this in your own life. The event that causes you to pivot may be the loss of a job or a loved one, an illness, or even a nagging feeling that you can no longer ignore.
My path of least resistance involved my career. I became a tax lawyer because that’s what was expected. Even though it didn’t nourish me, I never considered other career paths. Apparently, the Universe had another plan. My younger daughter, Marlee, experienced a serious health condition and that was the impetus for me to pivot. My daughter needed me and, as her mother, I would do anything for her.
I was drawn to explore other ways to help Marlee that were either alternative or complementary to traditional methods. What I didn’t understand at the time was that I needed healing as well.
My journey led me to energy healing, meditation, yoga, shamanism, and functional medicine. I became much more aware of a mind, body, spirit approach to both healing and to life.
I was compelled to understand why we often sabotage what we want the most and why our ability to see what’s possible is so limited. Over time, that evolved into my life’s work.
Years later, my older daughter, Alyssa, suffered from a mysterious illness. I felt defeated, even hopeless, but I continued to search. I knew there was a cure. I just didn’t know what it was. My search led me to the world’s leading expert who was 98 at the time. I reached out to him and he was there for me like a trusted guide, providing me with his expertise and experience, a plan, and the support I needed. This reinforced my appreciation for a trust guide when traversing life's obstacles.
What happened next is nothing short of a miracle. Alyssa was cured of the mysterious illness AND unexpected and beautiful opportunities and options were placed in her path.
There are times we need the support of a trusted guide who cares about us and has the expertise we need to overcome the obstacles in our way.

How would you feel if you had effective tools, loving support, and the confidence to become the hero of your own life story?

A Trusted Guide… a Coach
We are not meant to be on our life journey by ourselves. We often run into obstacles and challenges and we don’t have the tools or the expertise to navigate them.
We all need a trusted guide...
Who listens to us, believes in us, and is invested in us
Who has expertise, experience, and a perspective that’s different from ours
Who has a plan that uses tools and methods that work

Trust Yourself When Choosing a Coach
When making an important decision, I start with information gathering and then use my intuition to determine the right path for me. The same is true when choosing a coach. These are questions I ask myself…
Does the coach have the expertise and experience I believe will help me overcome the challenges I am facing right now?
Has the coach effectively helped others with challenges similar to mine?
Is the coach invested in me and my success?
How do I feel when I think about working with this coach?
Is fear driving my decision?
What is my intuition telling me is right for me?
I invite you to do your own information gathering and
decide what’s right for you.

Attorney, Juris Doctor and Masters’ in Tax Law

Certified Functional Medicine Coach
Theta Healing Instructor and Teacher

Tara Mohr Playing Big Facilitators Training

Four Winds Shaman (Energy Medicine)

The Resilient Heart™: Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath

Psych K Practitioner

Reconnective Healing Practitioner

Pranic Healing Practitioner

Kundalini Yoga Instructor
Volunteer Service

Board of Directors of TSCAlliance

Patient and Special Needs Advocate
Get Belinda’s “How to Rewrite Your Life Story” Workbook.
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